Focus and Scope

Dissertationes Forestales is a joint publication of the Finnish Society of Forest Science, University of Helsinki, and University of Eastern Finland. The aim of the series is to publish doctoral dissertations in forest sciences and related disciplines. Most papers published in Dissertationes Forestales are extended summaries of doctoral theses composed of several original articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

Peer Review Process

The dissertations are published in the form they have been publicly defended after official pre-examination by expert reviewers nominated by the candidate’s university. Dissertationes Forestales does not have a peer-review process of its own.

Publication Frequency

Irregular; typically, 15 - 25 dissertations are published each year.

Who may publish in Dissertationes Forestales?

Only doctoral dissertations accepted for public defence by the author's university may be published in Dissertationes Forestales.

If you defend your thesis in one of the publishing faculties:

If you defend your thesis in one of the publishing faculties, i.e. Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Helsinki or School of Forest Sciences of the University of Eastern Finland, you are eligible to publish in Dissertationes Forestales.

If you defend your thesis in another university or faculty:

If you defend your thesis in another university or faculty, the Editorial Board decides whether your thesis is publishable in Dissertationes Forestales based on your application. See Instructions for Authors for instructions on application to publish in Dissertationes Forestales.

In addition, your home department is requested to send a written commitment to cover the expenses of electronic publishing unless you work with the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). In 2022, the electronic publishing fee is 300 €. The publishing faculties and Luke have preagreed to cover the publication expenses for their PhD students.

Click this link to register to Dissertationes Forestales.
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